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  Sandra (Vigil) Hamilton
P.O. Box
Mendocino, CA 95460


Occupation: Bank teller / Mary Kay Consultant
Spouse: John
Date Married: 8-18-96
Spouse's Occupation: Retired Navy
Children & Ages: Jeannette Mahar 40, Annie Sommer 31
Tracy Wilson 30, Jamie Hamilton 25
Grandchildren: Breanna Avitia 20, Brittany Chavira 3
Alexis Garcia 3, Miles Wilson 10 Months
Nathanial Avitia 7 months Great-Grandchild
Jadis Chavira due 8/8/05 Great-Grandchild
Hobbies: Working out and scrap booking and just hanging out with my husband, taking walks by the ocean and window shopping.
Message: Just live everyday as if it were your last because life is so short and always try to have a positive attitude in everything you do. Teach your children and grand-children the same and try to stay in touch with old friends.