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  Edwin Allen
P.O. Box 877
El Dorado, CA 95623


Occupation: Retired microscope business owner
Spouse: Joanne
Date Married: 8/14/76
Spouse's Occupation: Retired computer engineer
Children & Ages: We didn't want children and have none
Grandchildren: My brother Harry (class of '63) has 4 boys two of which live in the area. The four boys have a total of four children. My oldest brother has two daughters who have three children. My younger brother Bob has a son. We love them all and its nice to see them and its nice when they go home.
Hobbies: Joanne is a serious quilter and gardener and has started taking art classes. I work at Marshall Gold Discover Park in Coloma as James Marshall (discoverer of gold) two days a week. I restore old British motorcycles when I'm not exploring the west for ghost towns and mining camps.
Message: I look forward to seeing friends, (I was going to say old classmates but I don't feel a bit old and I hope you don't either). Richard Autry, (class of '65) and his wife Sandy (Chuna) class of '67 stopped by a few weeks ago and spent the night. They live near Oklahoma City and are retired. We have exchanged Christmas cards for years and it was just wonderful to see them. They have such a deep historical knowledge of the early 60's Firebaugh era that my brother Harry and I were deeply impressed. The people of Firebaugh and Dos Palos etched their mark on us. We travel a lot and on a trip to Europe we found ourselves alone in a Benedictine Monastery Library. The acoustics were perfect. I started yodeling Cattle Call. Joanne looked at me like I was way out of my mind and I said I was sorry but I was raised in Firebaugh and I'm doing this for those who will never get here.