Dos Palos High School
Class of '65 











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Our Departed
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Welcome To The D.P.H.S.1965 contact page

If you are not a member - and would like to have your name and email address posted - please return to our  register page. Click on it and fill the form out. Make sure you include your first, last and for the married ladies, your maiden name. Then submit it. We will add you as soon as possible.

If you have information about classmates that are not listed in the "Members" area ( and/or on our "missing" list), please inform them of what we are doing - or let us know their e-mail or snail mail address so that we can contact them.

(deceased classmates marked with *)



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A   D   K   P   T
Margaret Alexander Ronnie Daniels* Carole Koda* Dan Pafford Linda Tafoya
Chryll Allen Craig Darneal Sandy Kelley David Paganucci Alton Taylor
Edwin Allen Bill Davis   L   Anna Patino * Dorothy Thomas
Kathy Andrews Bobby Davis* Pat Laird   Alvina Patlan * Rebecca Thompson
Margie Arbizu * Judy Davis Linda Lee   Steve Penney Tommy Todd *
Irma Austin Patsy Davis Kris Lewis Claude Perez Sophia Torres
Richard Autry Leonard Dillard Muriel Lines Tom Phillips Bev Toscano
B   Ann Downum Mary Llanez Richard Pierce U
Larry Baker Linda Drake* Laura Locke Dwayne Pounds V
Tom Barragan Roberta Drown Cliff Lopes Marion Powers * Armondo Valenzuela
Vincent Barron Roy Dunlap David Lopez Marvin Powers Eddie Valenzuela *
Mike Bassett *
John Batey
E   Salvador Lopez Fay Pruitt   Diane Van Atta
Bob Bellew Jo Anne Edden Dino Lorenzetti Sue Pulley * Sandy Vigil
Ken Benes Steve Elkins Fred Lorenzetti Q   Larry Vincent
Robert Bertao Joe Espinosa Mike Love   Robert Quiroz * Susan Vogt
Kris Borden * F   Pam Lucas R   Nick Von Allman
Randy Boydstun Dennis Ferreira* M   Shirley Ramirez W
Edwin Brady * Richard Fosse* Diane Machado Tommy Redding Patty Walker
Ronnie Bridgeford Millie Fowler*   David Rice Carol Wallace
Ruth Brook Ray Fox   Diane Manuel Jerry Rhea Clyde Watkins
Dortha Brown G   Clarence Marrs Linda Roa   David Weathers *
Gail Bryant Laurel Gaffery Jennifer Marsh Alex Robinson Harold Weaver
Janet Bunch George Garcia Clarance Marshall* Dolores Rodriquez Tad Widby
James Burke John Gong* Joe Marshall Gloria Rodriguez Janet Willis
Arthur Burns Henry Gong Jr*. Skip Marshall * Lorenzo Rodriquez * Ron Winter
Kristy Burton Wayne Gowens Lenora Martin Ronnie Rogers Myrtle Wright
C   Harold Guisti Pamela Martin Ernest Romero X
Dale Candelaria Donna Gunter Gary Matlock Herman Romero Y
Barbara Cardoza Tom Guyett Joann Maumoynier* John Romero Z
Lloyd Carlton H   Dean McEver * Dora Rosas Roy Zamudio
Marry Ann Carter Heidi Hales   Fred McFarland* Stormy Rowe Henry Zenger
Thelma Carter Christine Harman Carolyn McGee Ronald Rye Joe Zito
Jennie Castaneda * Gloria Hernandez Barbara Merrell S   Sandra Zoffka*
Manuel Cavazos Ralph Herrera Steve Miller Erma Sambrano* Glenn Zuspan
Wayne Chapman Steve Hodges Ramona Molina Socorro Sanchez Tim Zuspan *
Maria Chavez Richard Hornbeak* Robert Molina Julian Sasnett  
Avis Clements Karen Howard Richard Moss Gerald Schill  
Dan Cline   Melba Huckobey Linda Municha Max Sepulveda  
Janice Cook I   Linda Murray Wayne Shirey  
Reese Copsy Isabel Ibarra N   Allen Shultis  
Danny Cotton Larry Isborn Wali Naibi   Rinalda Simpson  
Gary Couto J   Tom Nicoletti Bill Smith    
Judy Cox   Barbara Jackson Benny Norman Floyd Smith  
Sharon Crayne Nathaniel Jackson * Joe Nunez Jeannine Smith  
Margaret Crites* Donna Jew O   Gary Sorg    
Jim Cullen*   Clint John   Susie Olague Charles Staton  
  Franklin John Carolyn Ore Sherman Stephens  
  Linda Johnson Geneva Osburn * Bill Stevens  
  David Jones     Patty Stocking  
  Betty Jordan     Jeff Sulton